We are the lucky recipient!

At HOOT we love being chosen for things. Even better if those things happen to be postcard projects (’cause we’re a postcard magazine, see the connection?). Not so long ago this showed up on HOOT headquarters’ doorstep: Because we are a group that loves writing and pictures (and pictures with writing), a little investigation was […]

Guerrilla HOOT

Ever since its conception HOOT has championed the idea of guerrilla literature. The idea of shareable literature and found art was important in both the concept and the aesthetic of our magazine. Editors and interns have taken a considerable amount of joy by spreading flash fiction and poetry through postcard bombing museums (in the friendliest […]

What was your spirit animal?

Maybe we’re big fans of stickers; perhaps gigantic fans of Lisa Frank; or we could just be spirit animal enthusiasts. Whatever the case may truly be your latest issue of HOOT came with an assigned spirit animal. Did you discover that your spirit took the shape of a starfish, like this subscriber? But you might […]

Thanks for the kind words!

We are a very lucky group of people that get support from such great schools, organizations, writers, readers, and everything and everyone in between. Sometimes we are so lucky that we even get some people to write nice things about us. In this case HOOT was the subject matter for both Niche Lit Magazine and […]

Drop by and see us at the Rosemont College Book Festival

If you attend Rosemont, or live near the area, you should come drop by the College Book Festival and give us a visit. We’ll entertain you with grand tales of adventures and our most recent issues of HOOT. Come say hello!

Your letters delight us

Since we run a postcard magazine it should come as no surprise that we love mail. The kookier the better (or the more avant garde the better). We recently received this mailed submission (we think it was a mailed submission?) and while we couldn’t accept the enclosed poem for the online or print issue, we […]

We came, we saw, we had you throw a giant die

Oh hey! We have returned triumphant from Boston and AWP. It was delightful making so many new friends; so many people partook in our giant die game and we hope you had as much fun as we did. To all of our new subscribers: hello! To everyone that supported us by stopping by, signing up […]

A blog! A blog! We have an, occasionally updated, blog (we’ll only put the coolest stuff on here, promise)!

Hello HOOT followers, It might surprise you that at HOOT we are comprised of real humans that help create, develop, and mail out your monthly postcard and put up the online edition. We’re alive! We come from all different creative and educational backgrounds, which is a big help in how we pick such diverse literature […]


this is just a test. exciting announcement coming tomorrow!