Flash Fiction Festival 2021: the Virtual’ing
Hi friends. We’ve once again partnered with our buddies over at A Novel Idea to host the Flash Fiction Festival. Given the state of the apocalypse we are all currently living in, this year it will be virtual. As much as we’d love to see your beautiful and darling faces in person (like last year’s party), we are psyched to be able to extend this opportunity to people all over the world. Also, it will be like having a flash fiction version of the boxes in the Brady Bunch, so gratitude for all the good things.
This space will serve as the landing site for all Festival updates. So make sure that you keep your eyes on this site for new info.
Dates and Schedule:
Our Flash Fiction Festival will be the last weekend of February on the 27th and 28th. Both days will start at 10:00 AM and end at 6:30 PM. Your ticket gives you admission to the whole day, or you can come and go as you please (no pressure! only pleasure!).
Saturday the 27th:
10:00 – 11:30: Writing Workshop with Kathy Fish
11:30 – 12:15: Free write time with a provided prompt (only if you want to use it!)
12:30 – 1:30: Panel: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Myth, and Horror in Flash Fiction
1:45 – 2:15: Poetry Palate Cleanser Readings
2:30 – 3:30: Panel: Memoir and Nonfiction in Flash Prose
3:30 – 4:00: Break
4:00 – 5:30: Writing Workshop with Jane-Rebecca Cannarella
5:45-6:30: Readings
Sunday the 28th:

(just kidding about the foes part)
10:00 – 11:30: Writing Workshop with K.B. Carle
11:45 – 12:15: Free write time with a provided prompt (only if you want to use it!)
12:30 – 1:30: Panel: Hermit Crab and Borrowed Form in Flash Fiction
1:30 – 2:15: Poetry Palate Cleanser featuring poets specializing in micro poems & more
2:30 – 3:30: Panel: Micro Flash
3:30 – 4: 00: Break
4:00 – 4:45: Readings
Make sure to get your tickets ASAP. Your purchase comes with all kinds of perks. As always, if you are facing any kind of financial hardships please message either HOOT (info@hootreview.com) or A Novel Idea (books@anovelideaphilly.com), and we are happy to work with you and help.
Get your tickets here!
Pricing Info:
- Full Conference Registration – $90 – SAVE $25 (includes access to 3 workshops, 4 panels, 4 readings, & freewriting activities)
- Two Day Pass – $40 – SAVE $10 – (includes access to 4 panels, 4 readings, & 2 freewriting activities. Does NOT include access to workshops)
- Single Day Pass – $25 (includes access to 2 panels, 2 readings, & 1 freewriting activity. Does NOT include access to workshops)
- Workshop 1 – $25 (includes access to Turn and Face the Strange: Surreality in Flash Fiction w/ Kathy Fish)
- Workshop 2 – $25 (includes access to Food & Flash Fiction w/ Jane-Rebecca Cannarella)
- Workshop 3 – $25 (includes access to The Daily To-Do: Writing the Flash Listicle w/ K.B. Carle)
Panel Details
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Myth, and Horror in Flash Fiction will be held on Saturday the 27th at 12:30. This panel will address how to craft myths, science fiction, fantasy, and horror in flash fiction. It will address effective techniques on how to build tension and world-building in condensed pieces. It will look at pieces that have managed to shape these worlds efficiently and how they managed to do so. This panel will feature Christina Rosso, Jasmine Sawers, Joshua Jones, and Shannon Frost Greenstein.
Memoir and Nonfiction in Flash Prose will be held on Saturday the 27th at 2:30. This panel will look at nonfiction and memoir in flash (often referred to as “flash fiction,” which leaves out nonfiction and is too often overlooked and categorized altogether). It will discuss the use of first-person narrators in nonfiction and memoir as it relates to flash. This panel will also look at writers who use flash to tell personal stories, creating depth and a sense of who the writer is in short pieces. This panel will feature Josh Dale, Mireya Vela, Jennifer Wortman, Tara Stillions Whitehead.
Hermit Crab and Borrowed Form in Flash Fiction will be held on Sunday the 28th at 12:30. A hermit crab essay (the term coined from Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola in their book Tell It Slant: Writing and Shaping Creative Nonfiction) refers to essays that take unusual forms: a recipe, an obituary, instructions, et.al, to tell a story. In this panel, we will look at how to use this form and apply it to condensed pieces to effectively tell a story and generate meaning. This panel will feature J. Bradley, Stephanie King, Meghan Phillips, and Tara Campbell.
Micro Flash will be held on Sunday the 28th at 2:30. Is it a poem? Is it flash? Something else? Microforms of writing take short forms and make them even shorter. This panel will look at the various ways that flash can be shortened into micro-stories and one-sentence stories while still conveying a depth of meaning and compelling storytelling. It will look at different authors who have mastered this form and different presses, literary journals, and magazines that focus on microwork. This panel will feature Madeline Anthes, Thomas Dean, Caroljean Gavin,
and David Queen.
Readings on Saturday the 27th at 5:45 EST, featuring:
Claire Hopple
Nick Perilli
Britny Brooks-Perilli
Maura Lee Bee
Readings on Sunday the 28th at 4:00 PM EST, featuring:
Matthew Jakubowski
Cheryl Pappas
Christopher Gonzalez
Joanna C. Valente
Stephanie Athena Valente
Poetry Palate Cleanser Readings on Saturday the 27th at 1:45 EST, featuring:
Deborah Turner
Warren Longmire
Jon Todd
Poetry Palate Cleanser Readings on Saturday the 28th at 1:30 EST, featuring:
Sean Hanrahan
Lucia Herrmann