HOOT Postcard 45, June 2015


by Poornima Laxmeshwar

Poornima Laxmeshwar, an MBA in finance , works as content writer for a living. Her haiku and poems have appeared in several magazines and anthologies. She resides in the garden city Bangalore, India.


To purchase copies of this issue (which can be used as postcards), please go here and specify “Issue #45″ at checkout.

2 Responses to “HOOT Postcard 45, June 2015”
  1. neuerwolf says:

    The guy seems to envision romance in Venice, the girl has her own list of things. So they dreamed about something and didn’t do it, but why?

    • Poorni says:

      In most of the marriages, we talk about doing a lot of things together and then we forget the promises made. We get stuck in the loop of routine and life’s other priorities. The couple is just another example…