• “Brevity is the soul of wit.” And of other things, too.

    HOOT is a magazine on a postcard. Authors from around the world submit their microfiction (very short stories), nonfiction, and poetry to us. Every month, we select one piece to be published on the front of a 4″ x 6″ postcard. We then design a visual element to match the writing, and mail the issue […]

  • “Brevity is the soul of wit.” And of other things, too.

    HOOT Print Issue 3 – December 2011 “Circus Life” – nonfiction by William Henderson. To purchase copies of this issue (which can be used as postcards), please go here and specify “Issue #3″ at checkout.   Read our current online issue, too, here! Will Henderson can be found in Boston, tooling around with his children, […]

  • “Brevity is the soul of wit.” And of other things too.

    HOOT Print Issue 2 – November 2011 To purchase copies of this issue (which can be used as postcards), please go here and specify “Issue #2″ at checkout. “Poem” – poetry by John Steen. John Steen returned to Atlanta last year to complete a PhD in Comparative Literature at Emory University. He rides a teal […]

  • “Brevity is the soul of wit.” And of other things too.

    HOOT Print Issue 1 – October 2011 “Are We the Dining Dead?” – fiction by J. Bradley. To purchase copies of this issue (which can be used as postcards), please go here and specify “Issue #1″ at checkout. J. Bradley is a contributing writer to Specter Magazine and the Interviews Editor of PANK Magazine. He […]

HOOT is a monthly literary magazine. On a postcard!

-We publish current fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and book reviews and are proud to be a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

-Our issues are small and cool looking, so you can also stick 'em on your fridge, or in your husband/wife's briefcase, or leave one on a restaurant table for some random person to enjoy. Imagine, literature that you can pass around!

-At fewer than 150 words an issue (that's shorter than two Twitter tweets!) there's no excuse for you not to read it.

For just $2, we'll mail the current HOOT today to anyone in the United States. With a hand-written, personalized message from you!

Print Issues


Big If by Robert Estes art by Kim Göransson Robert Estes, who lives in Somerville, Massachusetts, got his Physics PhD at UC Berkeley and worked at major research institutions until retirement. He’s published 40-odd poems in literary journals, including Gargoyle, The Moth, and Constellations.