HOOT Online, Issue 15, December 2012 – Micro Fiction, Poetry, Memoir, Book Reviews
by Priya Keefe
Artwork by Andrea J. Bernard
Avis draws a bath in the chipped claw foot tub, bobs like a grape
in sangria. Typical day at the office: answer phone, fix printer,
suck off up to the boss. First to arrive and last to leave, she was
the only one to hear the cleaning lady housekeeper tell the
handyman facilities manager: Don’t try to stuff me into the cracks
of your life.
Nonfiction by Laura Story Johnson
Artwork, “mädchen in roten kleid reworked”, by Shawn Ketchum Johnson
I’d been watching my unknown neighbor on and off, sometimes on purpose, sometimes accidentally, for months. Just by looking out the window we could climb into the pictures of each other’s lives. Then one sunny afternoon I found her on a postcard. The name on the back told me that I lived in the apartment across from Austria’s most important contemporary poet. I read her poems and peered into the loneliness of our shared humanity. I couldn’t see her any more. Instead I saw myself, my soul, reflected in the window. There weren’t words. There were words. They were her words. “I live in pictures. I see everything in pictures, my complete past, memories are pictures. I transform pictures into language by climbing into the picture. I walk into it until it becomes language.” – Friederike Mayröcker, 2007. To see her again, I keep walking.
by Amanda Lynn
Artwork by Jennifer Ashcom
This is a test of
the haiku broadcast system.
This is just a test.
Wow, I’m glad I found HOOT. I smiled at these. 🙂